The dork
Hello,my name is muhammad amirul hasriq zulkifli . call me ayul :D . studying in uitm Lendu , Melaka in dip in accountancy . yeah ! account . i dont even know why i took the course . ha-ha ! . born on 6th october 1991 . his a libra guys ! OMG three times ! lol . love to make friend and im very happy if i can make them laugh :) im a chelsea fans who can play football like em' . in game i mean . teheee . can layan all songs . but im into acoustic or lullaby songs . it make me calm and easy . i think interior designer is way way cooler than an accountant . using k850i sony ericsson . and still in learning to likes it . haha . sory for da bad english . kay , enjoy my blog . :) <333 ♥♥♥
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Finally dudes ! im a blogger ! haha . agak lama ahh cita cita ni aku pendam jer . lol . dari awal sem aku nak buat blog . tapi atas alasan kemalasan yang tepu and internet dekat UITM cam haram . hajat aku ni terbantut . so , aku ambil sedikit kesempatan dikala cuti sem yang indah ni , aku pun memblogging kan diri . :) harap korang terima kehadiran aku sebagai newbie and if blog aku agak buruk . jgn lah di hina hina lak . apa yang dapat aku jamin , is my blog will never get boring . teheee . and to all yang dah ada blog tuh . please be my slave by following my blog . lol . and yahhhh . lets crappinnnn guys !!