The dork
Hello,my name is muhammad amirul hasriq zulkifli . call me ayul :D . studying in uitm Lendu , Melaka in dip in accountancy . yeah ! account . i dont even know why i took the course . ha-ha ! . born on 6th october 1991 . his a libra guys ! OMG three times ! lol . love to make friend and im very happy if i can make them laugh :) im a chelsea fans who can play football like em' . in game i mean . teheee . can layan all songs . but im into acoustic or lullaby songs . it make me calm and easy . i think interior designer is way way cooler than an accountant . using k850i sony ericsson . and still in learning to likes it . haha . sory for da bad english . kay , enjoy my blog . :) <333 ♥♥♥
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KOMEN ! Wohhhhh ! aku rasa macam yeahhh . and wahhh ! and then pergh ! rasa macam dapat 4 flat seyh . haha . sorry for the over react . skang blog gua dah boleh komen bai . 1st time kot from 10 or 11 bulan lepas . gila kembang . ok . not lah that kembang sebab bukan aku yang buat pun . haha . sebab tu lah aku letak pic saudari cantik molek diatas nih :) saudari , naziera killjoy hwang ( berdasarkan nama kat IC dia ) . ok , hwang , terima kasih bnyk sangat sebab tolong aku buat benda nih . kau tau . tadi start dari pukul 2 till 5 kot aku try sambil main game and facebooking . tak boleh boleh . 3 orang gak aku tnya . tapi dorang pun tak tau . so , kau lah the special one yang memang ditakdirkan tolong aku . clap clap clap :) thnx kak .SO GUYS , DO LEAVE COMMENT OK ? terima kasih daun keladi .